Thankful Experience

Hello, guys!
How are you today? I hope you are in a good condition.
In the third post this time on my blog, I will tell you about my thankful experience. Enjoy it.

One years ago me and my friends having a group assignment in in one of my friend's house. When I grade 9th me and my friends have some project. My friends is Marcho, Fadlan, and Yafi. We told to make a presentation by the civic education teacher, my group made a presentation on the old order from 1959-1966. We started  the group work at 08.00 AM, we gathered at school before going to a friend's house at 7.00 AM.

We went to our friend's house using public transportation. When we were on our way to our friend's house, we felt hungry and we decided to buy some food for us to ate. After we ate some food and we continued. After arriving at my friend's house, we immediately started working. We work from 08.00 a.m to 03.00 p.m. At 12 o'clock we rested and prayed. Besides we do our work also tells about our experience for two years in high school.

At 03.00 p.m we started preparing to go home. When it is finished prepare I immediately order taxi bike. After the taxi bike arrived I realized my money was not in my pocket. I am confused later will pay using what. But lucky Marcho asked me, what is a toga? Then I told my money lost. Marcho directly lend his money to pay taxi bike.

It was a very lucky day for me, because my friend would help me. I am very grateful to Marcho.


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