
hello, guys!!!! Back again with me in this blog. This time, I'm going to make some description about myself.

Full name: Toga Bonor
Place & date of birth: Bandung, 18th June 2002
Natonality: Indonesian
Sex: Male
Language: Indonesia

I am a very discipline student because my family always being strict about rules. I always do my tasks on time and never come late to school. Beside that, I can socialize easily with many people so I have many friends in the school. I like to try something new so I can see where's my limit and push it till the end. My weakness is sometimes I fell nervous whenever have to speak in the presentation or something like that. Sometimes, I also feel confused whether I have to make some quick decision.

I want to be a successful doctor and build a hospital so I can help many people in Indonesia. I hope that I can be a useful person for all the people around me.

Academic Profile:

Elementary passed from Yos Sudarso Elementary School in 2014.
Junior High School passed from 5 Junior High School in 2017.

Computer Knowledge:

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere


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