Natural Phenomena: Monochrome Raibow

A Monochrome or Red Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon and a rare variation of the more commonly seen multicolored rainbow. Its formation process is identical to that of a normal rainbow (namely the reflection/refraction of light in water droplets), the difference being that a monochrome rainbow requires the sun to be close to the horizon, like near sunrise or sunset.
The low angle of the sun results in a longer distance for its light to travel through the atmosphere, causing shorter wavelengths of light, such as blue, green and yellow, to be scattered and leaving primarily red. In the lower light environment where the phenomenon most often forms, a monochrome rainbow can leave a highly dramatic effect.
It's usually happen when a shower fall down at sunrise or sunset, where the shorter wavelengths like blue and green have been scattered and essentially removed from the spectrum. Further scattering may occur due to the rain, and the result can be the rare and dramatic monochrome rainbow.
So, that's all about the monochrome rainbow. It's interesting, right? Well, if you have some comment about this phenomena, fell free to post it on the comment section below. See you!
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