The Independence Day

Hello, guys! How are you today? In this time I'm gonna tell you the best event created in my school.

The event is celebrate the independence day of Indonesia. This event celebrate on 17th August every year. This event created by organisation three senior high school Bandung, this event is named "Tuan Dirga", wich in abbreviation of "Tujuh Puluh Dua Tahun Dirgahayu Indonesia". This event was held in 19th August 2017.

The event started at 08.00 am, I was almost late, fortunately I was in field at 08.00 am. When I came to Bali Sports Field, I immediately gathered together with my classmate. We makes a group according to each class.In this event consist of several traditional games, including bakiak, boy-boyan, gobag sodor, tarik tambang, and other games that train cohesiveness.

I think the most exciting when we race between classes, we try to the fastest to be the winner. The game between classes consists of entering eels into bottle, bringing marble with spoon, balap karung, and other.

The event then close with big game, we find some alphabet to make a sentence "Tujuh Puluh Dua Tahun Dirgahayu Indonesia". We can get alphabet, if we can solve the challenge. This event ended with the announcement of the winners and continued with performance from Classical Music Club three senior high school.

Though our class did not became the winner, but this event made we more compact and fun together. How exciting isn't it? How about your experience? Thank you for your attention. :)


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