The Lamb and The Wolf

The Lamb and The Wolf This Short Story The Lamb and The Wolf is quite interesting to all the people. Enjoy reading this story. Once there was a naughty lamb. His mother always loved her child so much that she worried about the safety of the child. His mother always warned him, “Be careful! You must not go into the forest. Wild animals live in there. They may threaten you. Sometimes they would eat you." But the mischievous lamb never listened. The lamb casually went into the forest and played there for a long time till it turned dark in the evening. One day, as usual the lamb wandered far off into the forest. There he saw a spring. “I am thirsty. Let me drink some water," he thought. He decided to take water from the spring for his thirsty. While the lamb was drinking water in the spring, a wolf watched from behind a tree. “A lamb! My lucky day!" the wolf thought, approaching the lamb. The lamb was not aware of the wolf for some time. There was no one be...